
  • Yassmine Dimassi Hela Ayed Aziz Jebali Bilel Slatnia
  • 120分钟
  • <p>  With her friends Walid and Bilel, Yassmi…<p>  With her friends Walid and Bilel, Yassmin, a journalism student, tries to solve a mysterious criminal case dating back more than 25 years, when a woman was found mutilated and almost dead in the middle of nowhere. Following their investigation, they end up in the forest where they discover a small isolated village called Dachra. Feeling trapped, they try to escape the horror. Will they succeed?<br/>  威尼斯电影节影评人周单元闭幕片</p>观看完由去看TV为您提供,由Abdelhamid Bouchnak 导演,集全明星阵容(Yassmine Dimassi Hela Ayed Aziz Jebali Bilel Slatnia )主演的诡奇村庄精彩影视,该剧在2024-01-19 23:30:20为您更新,您还可以点击下方相同类型、相同主演或导演的更多精彩影视。均由去看TV,qukantv.net为您免费提供。欢迎大家进行分享。



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